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其他 泰国 2022 




更新:2022-09-26 20:30:03



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    《零的魔力》是一个简短的选集系列,讲述了三个故事。在《零摄影》中,墨和《坏哥们》的Pa在一起很久了,Pa也不再想被女朋友拍了。不知何故,当墨第一次偷偷拍下P a的照片时,Pa结束了时光旅行回到了高中时代。在《月光下的零点》中,Maki是一个害怕一切的平面设计师周围的事物。 她必须和方一起工作,一个许多女孩都看上的新设计师。不过,Fong喜欢戴圆眼镜,所以Maki总是避开他的眼睛。在《零支持者》中,“丘比特遗愿”的科恩想在曼谷开一家面包店,温决定离开农场来支持他。但是在他们新项目的混乱中,他们对彼此的一些甜蜜消失了。两个人打了起来,一场事故导致他们交换了身体 "Magic of Zero" is a short anthology series that tells three stories. In "Zero Photography" Ink and Pa of "Bad Buddy" have been together for a long time and Pa no longer wants to be photographed by her girlfriend. Somehow, Pa ends up time-travelling back to high school when Ink secretly took Pa's photograph for the first time. In "Zero in the Moonlight," Maki is a graphic designer who's afraid of all things round. She has to work with Fong, a new designer many girls have their eye on. Fong likes to wear round glasses, though, so Maki is constantly avoiding his eyes. In "Zero Supporter" Korn of "Cupid's Last Wish" wants to open a bakery in Bangkok and Win decides to leave the farm to support him. But in the midst of the chaos of their new project, some of the sweetness they had for each other goes missing. The two fight and an accident causes them to swap bodies.和《心有零犀》视频播放地址全集,由星辰电影网全网络收集并分享发布,仅供用于学习和交流。
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